Functions for performing different interpolations between two points.

Function group Functions
interpolation get-options, interpolate

Interpolation is done between two n-dimension co-ordinates/points.

It can be used for calculating curves or lines in an n-dimensional spaces or filling in a colour spectrum between two colours in a colour model.

The following interpolation types are supported:

Type Description
linear direct linear interpolation
quadratic-bezier a quadratic bezier interpolation between to two points and one control point.
cubic-bezier a cubic bezier interpolation between the two points, using two control points.
ease-in a quadratic bezier interpolation, where the control point is selected using the ease factor and end point.
ease-out a quadratic bezier interpolation, where the control point is selected using the ease factor and end point.
ease-in-out a cubic bezier interpolation, where the two control points are selected using the ease factors and end point.
step-up computes a fix step up for each dimension.
step-down computes a fixed step down for each dimension.

The variable interpolation-types is a vector of all the valid interpolation keywords.




(get-options options)(get-options options start end)

Get options for use in interpolation by merging defaults with given options.

  • options: User provided options which will override (merge with) the default options.
  • start: 3 arity optional argument. Start control point for interpolation. vector of co-ordindates.
  • end: 3 arity optional argument. End control point for interpolation. vector of co-ordindates.
  • returns: map of options used for interpolation.

Default options:

{:type :linear
 :ease default-ease
 :control1 start
 :control2 end
 :step {:fraction default-step-fraction :ranges end}}



Performs interpolation between the two given points, creating the specified number of interleaving points. The type of interpolation is determined by the options argument, of which the :type field will determine the type of interpolation used.

  • start: n-dimension vector marking start of transformation
  • end: n-dimension vector marking end of transformation
  • num-points: Number of interleaving points between start and end to return, using the interpolation function defined by options
  • options: Set of options defining attributes of the interpolation function to be used. See below
  • returns: vector of n-dimension vector, with each of the num-points entries being along the interpolation space.

Options is of the form:

 {:type :linear | :ease-in | :ease-out | :ease-in-out | :cubic-bezier | :quadratic-bezier | :step-up | :step-down
  :control1 [...]  - Control point 1 (eg quadratic-bezier and cubic-bezier)
  :control2 [...]  - Control point 2 (eg cubic-bezier)
  :ease <0 to 0.5> - ratio of easing. Defaults to 0.42
  :step { :fraction <0 to 1>  - What fraction of range for each co-ord to step up or down
          :ranges [x x x x]}  - Range of each dimension incoming points,
                                used to calculate a different step per dimension
  :active-dimensions [true|false  ...] - Indicate which dimension to modify during interpolation
                                         Any not modified will use the value of the start for that dimension.
