Functions for dealing with colors and conversion between different color representations.

There are groups of functions and variables within the color namespace that deal with:

Function group Functions
constants for argb packed int colors blue-color, black-color, light-grey-color, dark-red-color, transparent-blue-color, dark-blue-color, white-color, dark-green-color, green-color, yellow-color
constants for css string hex colors bright-red-color, css-yellow-color, css-blue-color, css-pink-color, css-white-color
rgb utility functions normalise-rgb, int-rgb, ratio-rgba-to-int-rgba, nudge-color, unique-color
rgb format conversion color-as-rgba, color-as-map, rgba-as-css-hex, color-as-css-hex, react-color-as-rgba
rgba, hsla color model conversion rgba-to-hsla, hsla-to-rgba
color model keyword functions model-from-to, model-ranges
color gradient functions make-color-increment-fn, color-difference-seq

The different color representations that are used by functions include:

Representation Description
RGBA an RGB color with an alpha channel, represented as a vector with 4 values [R G B A]. Each value is an int from 0 to 255
RGB or packed RGB an RGB color with an alpha channel, packed as a Clojure integer, with each byte representing A, R, G, B. The unpacked values are from 0 to 255
RGB CSS String hex representation of an RGB color with no alpha channel, as used in CSS color specifications.
HSLA Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Alpha as a clojure vector [H S L A]. Hue is a degree on the color wheel, 0 to 360. Saturation is a percentage (100 full color), Lightness is percentage of reflecting color (0 is dark, 100 is light), Alpha is 0 to 255.





(color-as-css-hex color-value)

Converts a color array of [R G B A] all from 0 to 255 or a packed int ARGB, into a CSS hex, which will ignore the alpha.

  • color-value: RGB color value as either [R G B] or [R G B A], or a packed int of form <alpha><R><G><B>.
  • returns: CSS hex RGB string #FFFFFF


(color-as-map color-value)

Converts color values to map of values from 0 to 255 for RGB and 0 to 1 for Alpha to {:r <red> :g <green> :b <blue> :a <alpha> }

Accepts a packed int or existing vector of [R G B] or [R G B A]. Assumes alpha 255 on input.

Output suitable for use with react-color pickers.

  • color-value: RGB color value as either [R G B] or [R G B A], or a packed int of form <alpha><R><G><B>.
  • returns: color map of the form {:r <red> :g <green> :b <blue> :a <alpha> }


(color-as-rgba color-value)

Converts color values to vector of values from 0 to 255 for [R G B A]. Accepts a packed int or existing vector of [R G B] or [R G B A].

  • color-value: Either a vector of [R G B] or [R G B A], or a packed int of form <alpha><R><G><B>
  • returns: vector of form [R G B A]. If no alpha provided on input, 255 (opaque) is used.


(color-difference-seq start-color end-color count)

Create a color sequence that follows on from the end color, using the start/end difference. Input colors in form of either Int32 or vector of RGBA

  • start-color: Color value as starting point for difference. either [R G B] or [R G B A], or a packed int of form <alpha><R><G><B>.
  • end-color: Color value as starting point for difference. either [R G B] or [R G B A], or a packed int of form <alpha><R><G><B>.
  • count: Number of colors to generate using end-color as initial input and each resulting color as next input.
  • returns: vector of count colors, being a sequence after end-color, using the color difference between start-color and end-color to generate colors. All generated colors are in RGBA format [R G B A].











(hsla-to-rgba [hue saturation lightness alpha :as hlsa])

Converts an HSLA vector [H S L A] where H 0 to 360, S and L percentages to RGBA vector [R G B A] all 255 and A remains unchanged (0 to 255)

  • hlsa: HSLA version of rgba input. [H S L A]
  • returns: vector of RGBA color. [R G B A]


(int-rgb normalised-value)

Converts a normalized value from 0 to 1 to an RGB int from 0 to 255

  • value: float RGB value from 0 to 1.0
  • returns: int RGB value from 0 to 255



(make-color-increment-fn start-color end-color)

Uses the difference between the two colors to create a color increment function.

  • start-color: Color value as starting point for difference. either [R G B] or [R G B A], or a packed int of form <alpha><R><G><B>.
  • end-color: Color value as starting point for difference. either [R G B] or [R G B A], or a packed int of form <alpha><R><G><B>.
  • returns: function taking a single color argument, and modifying it by the difference between start-color and end-color. Argument can be either [R G B] or [R G B A], or a packed int of form <alpha><R><G><B>. Result will be [R G B A]


(model-from-to from-model to-model color)

Keywords used to define different color model types. Allows conversion form one model to another. Only currently supports :rgba and :hsla

  • from-model: color model used by the input color value. (either :rgba or :hsla)
  • to-model: color model to convert input color to. (either :rgba or :hsla)
  • color: Color to be converted. Will be represented according to from-model. So either [R G B A] or [H S L A]
  • returns: input color converted to the to-model. So either [R G B A] or [H S L A]


(model-ranges color-model)

Returns a vector defining the ranges of the values in the color model. eg :rgba would give [255 255 255 255] :hsla would give [359 1 1 255]

  • color-model: Color model for which ranges required. (either :rgba or :hsla)
  • returns: vector of ranges for each dimension, appropriate to color model. (either [255 255 255 255] or [359 1 1 255]) Throws environment specific illegal argument exception for invalid color model.


(normalise-rgb value)

Converts a 0 to 255 RGB value to 0 to 1.0

  • value: int RGB value from 0 to 255
  • returns: float RGB value from 0 to 1.0


(nudge-color [red green blue alpha :as color])

Modifies the color in a small way to make a slightly different color. Currently does it by moving blue up or down by 1.

  • color: vector of RGBA color to be nudged. [R G B A]
  • returns: slightly modified color in blue component. Either increment or decrement.


(ratio-rgba-to-int-rgba rgba-ratios)

Useful when RGB int values have been computed. Will convert any ratios to floats, round and then express as int

  • rgba-ratios: Collection of RGB values from 0 to 255. May be expressed as Clojure ratios due to calculations.
  • returns: vector of RGB values from 0 to 255 all as ints (may be rounded from original ratio value)


(react-color-as-rgba {rgb "rgb", :as react-color})

Converts a react-col color value map. This has a number of forms within, but one is { 'rgb' {'r' 255 'g' 255 'b' 255 'a' 1}}. We convert this to [R G B A], all values 0 to 255

  • react-color: color as { 'rgb' {'r' <red:0-255> 'g' <green:0-255> 'b' <blue:0-255> 'a' <alpha:0-1>}}
  • returns: color as RGB vector [R G B A], all 0 to 255.


(rgba-as-css-hex [red green blue alpha :as color-value])

Transform a color vector of [R G B A] into a CSS hex string such as #FFFFFF, ignoring the alpha.

  • color-value: vector of 0 to 255 values. [R G B A]
  • returns: CSS hex RGB string #FFFFFF


(rgba-to-hsla [_ _ _ alpha :as rgba])

Converts an RGBA vector [R G B A] all 0 to 255, to HSLA vector [H S L A] where H 0 to 360, and S and L are percentages and A remains unchanged (0 to 255)

  • rgba: vector of RGBA color. [R G B A]
  • returns: HSLA version of rgba input. [H S L A]



(unique-color col unique-set)

Keep nudging the given color until it is unique given the existing set of unique colors.

  • col: vector of RGBA color to be nudged. [R G B A]
  • unique-set: Set of RGBA colors, that we do not want to overlap with.
  • returns: slightly modified color in blue component. Either increment or decrement. Will be different from all other colors in unique-set.

