Functions useful in graphics and drawing calculations.

There are groups of functions within the graphics namespace that deal with:

Function group Functions
size fitting aspect-ratio, fit-to-height, fit-to-width, fit-to-dimensions, position-to-dimensions, reverse-transform
shapes update-fill-colors, translate-shapes

In these functions the following logical data types are supported:


{:width 100
 :height 20}


{:x 10
 :y 20
 :scale 0.5}


{:shape :rect
 :x 10
 :y 30
 :width 100
 :height 30
 :fill-color 3}

The actual units and meaning of these fields is up to the code using these structures for drawing. These functions just update the values as requested.


(aspect-ratio {:keys [width height], :as dimensions})

Computes the aspect ratio of the dimensions (represented as a map).

  • dimensions: Dimension to calculate aspect ratio for. {:width :height}
  • returns: aspect ratio, as a float.


(fit-to-dimensions containing-dimensions dimensions-to-fit)

Does a fit to size calculation of the dimensions-to-fit, within the containing-dimension.

  • containing-dimensions: outer dimensions setting maximum width and height, {:width :height}
  • dimensions-to-fit: dimension defining the aspect ratio of the final dimension to fit inside containing-dimensions. {:width :height}
  • returns: a map {:width :height :scale}


  • width and height will retain the aspect ratio of dimensions-to-fit,
  • either width or height will equal the width or height of containing-dimensions
  • x and y will centre either horizontally or vertically depending on the best fit.
  • scale will be the scale factor to apply to width and height of dimensions-to-fit to get the new returned width and height.


(fit-to-dimensions {:width 100 :height 100} {:width 10 :height 20})
{:width 50.0, :height 100, :x 25.0, :y 0, :scale 5.0}


(fit-to-height {:keys [width height], :as containing-dimensions} {fit-width :width, fit-height :height, :as dimensions-to-fit})

Does a fit to height calculation of the dimensions-to-fit, within the containing-dimension.

  • containing-dimensions and dimensions-to-fit are both {:width :height}
  • returns: a map {:width :height :x :y :scale}


  • width and height will retain the aspect ratio of dimensions-to-fit,
  • height will equal the height of containing-dimensions
  • x will be translation to position centrally, and y is 0
  • scale will be the scale factor to apply to width and height of dimensions-to-fit to get the new returned width and height.


(fit-to-height {:width 100 :height 100} {:width 10 :height 20})
{:width 50.0, :height 100, :x 25.0, :y 0, :scale 5.0}


(fit-to-width {:keys [width height], :as containing-dimensions} {fit-width :width, fit-height :height, :as dimensions-to-fit})

Does a fit to width calculation of the dimensions-to-fit, within the containing-dimension.

  • containing-dimensions: outer dimensions setting maximum width and height, {:width :height}
  • dimensions-to-fit: dimension defining the aspect ratio of the final dimension to fit inside containing-dimensions. {:width :height}
  • returns: a map {:width :height :x :y :scale}


  • width and height will retain the aspect ratio of dimensions-to-fit,
  • width will equal the width of containing-dimensions
  • x will be 0 as we fill the entire area
  • y will ensure it is centered in the new area.
  • scale will be the scale factor to apply to width and height of dimensions-to-fit to get the new returned width and height.


(fit-to-width {:width 100 :height 100} {:width 10 :height 20})
{:width 100, :height 200.0, :x 0, :y -50.0, :scale 10.0}


(position-to-dimensions containing-dimensions dimensions-to-fit)

Same calculation as fit-to-dimensions, but doesn’t bother returning the new width and height of the shape being fit but instead the width and the height of the containing area, along with the x, y and scale needed to position the shape within this area.

  • containing-dimensions: outer dimensions setting maximum width and height, {:width :height}
  • dimensions-to-fit: dimension defining the aspect ratio of the final dimension to fit inside containing-dimensions. {:width :height}
  • returns a map {:width :height :x :y :scale}


  • width and height will be that of the containing-dimensions,
  • x and y will centre either horizontally or vertically depending on the best fit.
  • scale will be the scale factor to apply to width and height of dimensions-to-fit to fit the dimensions-to-fit within containing-dimensions


(position-to-dimensions {:width 100 :height 100} {:width 10 :height 20})
{:width 100, :height 100, :x 25.0, :y 0, :scale 5.0}


(reverse-transform x y {:keys [scale], trans-x :x, trans-y :y, :as transform})

Performs a reverse transformation of the co-ordinates, that have previously been transformed according to the x, y translate and scale defined in dimensions.

Useful for converting mouse co-ordinates in a transform co-ordinate space to model co-ordinates.

  • x: X co-ordinate in source space.
  • y: Y co-ordinate in source space.
  • transform: Original transform applied to get the supplied x, y. {:scale :x :y}
  • returns: x, y after applying reverse of transform to given x and y. {:x :y}


(translate-shapes shapes trans-x trans-y)

Updates the position all shapes in the given collection, translating the :x and :y locations by the given amounts.

  • shapes: Collection of shapes, where each shape is a map of the form: {:fill-color ...}
  • trans-x: Amount to transform each shape x value by.
  • trans-y: Amount to transform each shape y value by.
  • returns: Collection of shapes where all shape x and y have been translated as specified.
(translate-shapes [{:shape :point :x 1 :y 1 :fill-color 2}
                   {:shape :square :x 10 :y 10 :width 10 :fill-color 4}] 2 3)
[{:shape :point :x 3 :y 4 :fill-color 2}
 {:shape :square :x 12 :y 13 :width 10 :fill-color 4}]


(update-fill-colors shapes fill-color)

Updates the fill color for every shape in a collection of shapes.

Shapes will typically have a number of attributes (eg :x, :y), but the only assumption of this function is that color is specified with the :fill-color key.

  • shapes: Collection of shapes, where each shape is a map of the form: {:fill-color ...}
  • fill-color: New fill color to set for each shape.
  • returns: Collection of shapes, where each shape has the supplied :fill-color.


(update-fill-colors [{:shape :point :x 1 :y 1 :fill-color 2}
                     {:shape :square :x 10 :y 10 :width 10 :fill-color 4}] 5)
[{:shape :point :x 1 :y 1 :fill-color 5}
 {:shape :square :x 10 :y 10 :width 10 :fill-color 5}]